Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Watch The Avengers Streaming - Black Widow Won't Be The Only Woman!

Joss Whedon is currently rewriting the script for The Avengers, and from what we've heard there will be more than just Black Widow on the screen to help with the estrogen content.

The major rumor is the Pepper Potts will be the secondary female character because she's been so strong in the Iron Man movies.

However, the photo that I've got below is probably way too ambitious and there is probably less than a 1% chance that we see Pepper in her suit as Rescue.

Either way though, I don't see this as anything but a smart move. Having a second strong female character, even in a supporting role, will help to draw women to the theaters to see The Avengers.

Stay tuned for more information regarding The Avengers here and for more information on your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check out the blog.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Watch The Avengers - First Teaser!

It didn't take long for the first teaser for The Avengers to come to us. And considering that the movie doesn't even start shooting until February 2011 I'm kind of surprised.

However, in this day and age and after the spectacle that Marvel put on at Comic Con when the major players were all introduced, there was little doubt that we were going to be given something.

I'll give a thumbs up to the voice work of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in the clip. It's not a bad way to set things up and remind us of just how huge this thing is going to be.

Give it a look and stay tuned for more information from the production of The Avengers as it gets nearer to filming.

And for more information about your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check out the blog.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Watch The Avengers - Filming In February!

Things are apparently all set for The Avengers to start filming in Los Angeles this February.

While there are no specific dates set, because it's still 6 months away, the plan is that things will kick off in the winter of 2011.

This movies is going to be the biggest Superhero Movie of all time. There are more moving pieces, more actors and more stars than anyone has ever tried to bring together at once. But Joss Whedon is going to give it his best shot.

Stay tuned for more information from The Avengers as we get closer to February 2011.

And for more information on your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check out the blog!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Watch The Avengers - No Natalie Portman!

Word on the street (Comic Con) from Natalie Portman herself, is that Jane Foster won't be a part of The Avengers. And that sucks.

I would watch Natalie Portman in anything. But I understand. There are going to be a lot of moving pieces in The Avengers. And there probably isn't room for more than an unneeded or unexplained cameo in Joss Whedon's script.

My fingers are crossed that she might catch a spot in the 2nd movie (which is rumored to be on the table already).

So, those of us who love Nat will have to be happy with her in Thor for now.

For more information on The Avengers, Thor and all of your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check out the blog!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Watch The Avengers - The Hulk Confirmed At Comic Con!

The Marvel panel at Comic Con was huge for a few reasons. There was talk about Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. But there was also an appearance of the announced cast of The Avengers.

There will be more cast to follow, but so far we have Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) and... The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo)!

Ruffalo is the big announcement here. It was rumored and announced earlier that Renner was coming to the cast as Hawkeye. And it had been rumored (here) that Ruffalo would be playing Bruce Banner, but it wasn't until Robert Downey Jr. introduced him to the panel audience that it was confirmed.

As I said, there are still roles to be filled and announced. So we'll see if our guesses that Nathan Fillion and Eva Longoria will be in the movie are correct as we get closer to the filming of the flick.

For now, here are some photos of the cast from the panel. It's a good looking and talented group. I'm more excited today for The Avengers to come to theaters May 4, 2012 than I have been yet.

And remember, for more information on your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check the blog!


Watch The Avengers - Joss Whedon Comic Con Clip!

Alright fans, Joss Whedon has spoken. And there's talk of The Avengers in his words.

Whedon confirms in this clip the identity of Hawkeye as Jeremy Renner, which we already knew. And he talks about how much he loves Comic Con and why.

The reporter from ontheredcarpet.com even tries to get a plot point from the writer and director of the upcoming superhero epic... and when you watch the clip you'll see what Whedon's answer was.

Enjoy. And stay tuned for more information and photos from the cast of The Avengers as we wrap up all of the Comic Con info.

And for more information about your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check out the blog.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Watch The Avengers - Joss Whedon Confirms!

It's a case of the worst case secret in the world being confirmed.

Yesterday in San Diego, Joss Whedon confirmed that he will in fact be directing the live action feature film, The Avengers.

Now, we knew this a long time ago and you knew this a long time ago, but it's always nice to get the confirmation.

Whedon says that the movie is in the outline stages and that there is still much work to do before things go in to heavy production.

My favorite quote from the Comic Con panel was this: "The thing I love about it is how completely counter-intuitive it is, these people should not be in the same room, much less the same team. The very definition of family."

So, now that Whedon has confirmed that he's on board and working on the story and script it's time for speculation to start heating up big time.

Let us know what you think he should do with Marvel's biggest names in The Avengers.

And for more information on your favorite upcoming Superhero Movies click the link and check out the blog!
